Exceptions (Daily)

The Exceptions Report is generated daily. If there are no exceptions for the day, then an empty report is generated (header only). Chargebacks, returns, and adjustments are included in this file. The exception transaction is posted to the file the day TabaPay receives notification of the exception.

1ISO4-Digit ID assigned by TabaPay
2MIDMerchant ID (Identifies a specific program/merchant under the ISO)
3Merchant Reference IDreferenceID sent by the merchant in the Create Transaction API request
4Original Transaction IDtransactionID sent by TabaPay in the Create Transaction API response
5Exception IDUnique reference number generated by TabaPay for each exception.
6Exception typeAdjustment - credit
Adjustment - debit
7Exception CodeNetwork-specific reason code
8Exception DescriptionDescription of the Exception Code
9Exception DateDate exception posted. Corresponds with the date of the report.
10Action-StatusIndicates the status of the exception.
11Status DateDate of most recent change in Action Status. This is the date of the Exceptions report.
12Days OpenDays since last movement of funds.
13Network Transaction IDAcquirer Reference Number (ARN)
14Original Creation DateDate/Time (GMT) original Transaction Request was created
15Original Processed DateDate/Time (GMT) Transaction processed at the Network
16Original Transaction TypePurchase
Adjustment - credit
17Exception SourceIf "Exception type" = CHARGEBACK, exception source = Settlement
If "Exception type" = REPRESENTMENT, exception source = the exception network
18Exception DestinationIf "Exception type" = CHARGEBACK, exception destination = the exception network
If "Exception type" = REPRESENTMENT, exception destination = Settlement
19Exception NetworkNetwork card scheme
20Last 4Last 4 of beneficiary card (add “0s” in front of number if less than 4 digits)
21Original Settled AmountOriginal transaction amount
22Exception Settled AmountOriginal transaction amount
23TabaPay FeeTabaPay fee for the exception
24Network FeeNetwork fee for the exception
25InterchangeInterchange for the exception
26Memomemo passed in the Create Transaction request.
27CB IDCase ID assigned by the card network.
28FirstnameFirst Name
29LastnameLast Name
30Network IDOriginal transaction Network ID

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